Thursday, April 10, 2014

PSY dancing on my screen? This cant be right... Oh yeah that's right, I made him dance for me in a flash animation. Check it out soon. Figured out how to make people/things move from one place to another in Adobe Flash.
Longboard deck is now built. its made with really powerful glue and 3 plys of wood. hopefully its strong enough to hold a person. I don't even remember how I made it.
A while back, we did some design challenges in class and safe to say, we won most of them. Not trying to be arrogant. Maybe just a little... Teamwork and brainstorming with your group can accomplish anything.
Just finished my longboard design booklet and I can now say the longboard will be awesome! Can't wait to see it. Also learned how to use inDesign which is pretty stressful but very useful.
We recently took pictures of composition and finished handed in. Learned that Position in a picture is key to a great photo